New National Police Chief Timur Pradopo needs to investigate and solve the ’fat bank account’ case involving several high officials in the institution, Indonesian Police Watch said."Timur, in his 100 days of work, needs to investigate and solve the suspicious fat bank account of several senior officials of the National Police," Indonesian Police Watch’s chief Neta S Pane said here on Sunday.
Neta said the investigation would be an effort of the newly appointed police chief to improve the quality of police personnel and the institution. He added that Timur must also make the case brokerage involving tax officer Gayus Tambunan and two senior police officials namely Brig Gen Edmon Ilyas and Brig Gen Raja Erizman as another internal problem to be solved
The fat account case for the first time emerged when Tempo magazine in its June 28-July 4 edition mentioned six police generals and lower police officers in possession of bank accounts each worth tens of billions of rupiahs and even up to Rp54 billion while their salary is less than Rp10 million a month.
The copies of the magazine had vanished immediately after they were sold, apparently to certain parties including the police. As a result the price of the magazine increased to Rp50,000 per copy. Some have even sold the photocopy of the edition.
Earlier during his fit and proper test at Commission III of the House of Representatives, Timur said he would improve the quality of police personnel if he is appointed as police chief.
"Reinforcement of the police`s vision, improvement of service to the society and development of IT knowledge for police personnel are some of my plans as chief of police," Timur said.
He also promised to create a performance-based human resources management system and improve the force`s internal supervisory mechanism.
"I will apply a working contract to all police personnel, so that those who violate the contract will be given firm sanction. I believe revitalization of the National Police is feasible" he added.
During the meeting with members of Commission III , Timur also presented 10 main priorities as chief of police, including corruption eradication, fighting hoodlums, and eradication of illegal logging and human trafficking.
Timur also promised to uncover big cases involving senior officials or big-time entrepreneurs, improve the capacity of anti-terror police personnel and develop an integrated police information system.
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