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Inquiry committee to summon Boediono, Sri Mulyani


The House`s Special Inquiry Committee on the Bank Century case will summon Vice President Boediono and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani for questioning as witnesses on the bank`s bailout, the committee chairman said.

Special Inquiry Committee Chairman Idrus Marham said here on Monday that Boediono would be summoned in his former capacity as Bank Indonesia (BI) governor and Mulyani in her capacity as finance minister and chairwoman of the Financial System Stability Committee (KKSK).

"The committee has decided to summon the two but a schedule for their appearances has yet to be fixed," Idrus Marham said.

He said the committee would also summon other people to testify in the case but the exact dates on which they would be questioned had also yet to be determined.

The choice of witnesses and experts to be summoned would be based on the themes being discussed by the committee so that there was the possibility that one witness would be invited more than once.

Marham said that the parties which had been summoned with a certain schedule were the heads of the State Audit Board (BPK) and the Financial Transaction Analysis and Reporting Center (PPATK). They were scheduled to testify on Thursday (Dec 17), he said.

Inquiry committee deputy chairman Gayus Lumbuun said that the committee had so far registered nine names to be summoned because they were believed to have knowledge about Bank Century.(ANTARA News)


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