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Supporters collect Rp 650 million in coins for Prita


After three days during which 300 volunteers counted tons of coins, the Coins for Prita movement announced it had collected Rp 650 million for Prita Mulyasari.

"We finished counting last night," said Enda Nasution, a coordinator from Coins for Prita, a fund-raising movement collecting coins from Dec. 5 to 14 for Prita, the housewife on trial for complaining about Omni International Hospital's poor service via email.

Enda said Prita would symbolically receive the donation at the concert dedicated to her cause on Dec. 20 at the Hard Rock Cafe, Central Jakarta. Enda also invited members of the public to attend the concert. Organizers say 26 musicians and bands will perform.

"Prita came last night, as we were finishing up counting. She asked us to manage the money and donate it to a social cause. However, we have not decided what to do with it," Enda said.

The coins were initially collected to help Prita pay a Rp 204 million fine imposed by the Banten High Court for defaming Omni hospital.

Following mounting public pressure led by the Coins for Prita movement, the hospital held a press conference, asking the court not to impose the verdict.

However, Prita said the hospital's gesture would not help her clear her name, saying that although she did not have to pay, her record was already tainted by the guilty verdict in the civil case. Prita's lawyers also said the hospital could not stop the criminal trial.

"We will take her on again in both civil and criminal cases," Risma Situmorang, the hospital's legal representative, said in response to Prita's plan to continue her appeal to the Supreme Court.

O.C. Kaligis, Prita's lawyer, said Prita wanted to end the conflict. However, he continued, the hospital had stubbornly refused Prita's demands in the mediation process arranged by the Health Ministry for both sides.

"First, Prita demanded the doctors who treated her meet the criminal court judges and admit they were not victims of defamation. They must retract their testimonies in the criminal court. Second, she demanded the hospital submit her medical records. That's all," he said.

Risma said that it was impossible to fulfill the first demand. "dr. Hengky Gosal and dr. Grace, who treated her when she was in Omni, have submitted sworn testimonies. If they retract their testimonies and say they were not victims, they would be guilty of perjury," she said.

Risma also insisted Prita never asked for her medical records during the mediation process.

Prita's defense team have said Prita would not accept any out-of-court settlement with Omni before the criminal court reached a verdict on the case on Dec. 29.

"I hope the judges find her not guilty. I question their integrity if they do otherwise," Kaligis said.

People supporting Prita have condemned both Omni Hospital and the judges of Banten High Court, forcing the Judicial Commission, the watchdog for judges, to step in and investigate the judges in the case.

Busyro Muqoddas, head of the commission, said recently that Prita's case had weakened public trust in the justice system and that she had become a symbol for people trodden upon by pillars of power. (thejakartapost)

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