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Japan to Build Maritime Surveillance Systems in Indonesia


Japan will build maritime survelllance system in four tsunami prone regions in Indonesia and planned to hand three of its coast guard patrol boats, in grant schemes worth in total of US$300 million, a naval security officer said in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Head of the Executing Unit of the Naval Security Coordination Agency (Badan Koordinasi Kemanan Laut) Vice Admiral Budhi Hardjo said after receiving relieve aid from the Japanese government at his office said, the global maritime surveillance system will be built in Tarakan (East Kalimantan), Manado (North Sulawesi), Bali, and Kupang (East Nusa Tenggara).

Vice Admiral Budhi said the US$10 million equipments will improve security and safety for vessels in the indonesian waters.

The agency is also discussing with the Japan on plans to obtain three boats from the Japanese coast guards.

The two grants worth in total of US$300 million will be handed within three years. In the occasion the navy also cited another negotiation to buy 2,000-gross ton multifunction boats with Germany. TEMPO Interactive

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