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Dossiers of Suspects in Nasrudin Murder Handed to District Court

JAKARTA LIFE'S STYLE. The dossiers of five of the nine suspects in the high profile murder case of businessman Nasrudin Zulkarnaen have been handed over to the Tangerang District Court, the Attorney General’s Office outgoing deputy for general crimes, Abdul Hakim Ritonga, said on Friday.

The court has not yet announced the date of the first trial in the case.

The five suspects are Daniel Daen, Heri Santoso, Hendrikus Kia Walen, Fransiskus Tadon Kerans and Eduardos Ndopo Mbete. They are accused of carrying out the March 14 gangland-style murder of Nasrudin near a golf course in Tangerang, Banten. The lawyer for the suspects, BS Situmorang, told the Jakarta Globe that he was optimistic about the upcoming trial even though his clients are facing charges of premeditated murder, with a maximum penalty of death.

“We don’t fully believe the police investigation report. What is written in the report may not be the truth, because they were under a lot of stress when being questioned by the police,” Situmorang said.

He said there was also a discrepancy regarding one of his clients, Eduardus Ndopo Mbete.

“Eduardus was in his hometown in Ende, Flores, from March 7 to March 25 while the murder was on March 14. There are supporting witnesses and evidence,” Situmorang said.

Three other suspects are alleged to have plotted and provided funds for the murder. The three are newspaper owner Sigid Haryo Wibisono, who allegedly provided Rp 500 million ($50,500) to finance the murder; mid-ranking police officer Chief Comr. Wiliardi Wizard, who is accused of recruiting thugs to carry out the gangland-style murder; and Antasari Azhar, suspended chairman of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). thejakartaglobe

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