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Williardi's Shocking Revelation


Williardi Wizar gave a daring testimony for the murder case of the director of PT Putra Rajawali Banjaran Nasrudin Zulkarnaen. He realized that being the prized witness his every statement greatly affects the fate of former chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission Antasari Azhar who now sits as the accused in the trial.

Tuesday, he decided to retract all the statements in his police investigation report (BAP) because all of it was engineered by the police investigator. "I say that all the BAP is invalid. The BAP we use dated April 29 and April 30, 2009, and our statement here," said Williardi to start his testimony.

He decided to retract his statement in the BAP because all he said was made up by the investigator, and he only had to sign. Another reason was, the investigator also didn't fulfill his promise to let him go if he complied.

The scenario began when he was picked up one day from his home to the police station at 00.30. That night Williardi was visited and inspected by the Regional Police Research Director, his vice director and there were also Chiefs of the Police Detective Squad.

According to Williardi those high-rank officers asked him to fabricate a BAP to trap Antasari as the main perpetrator of Nasrudin's murder. "At that time the condition was that Antasari set as our was only our target. Then my BAP was synchronized with Sigid's, which was read to me," said Williardi fearlessly.

In his next testimony Williardi mentioned the name of vice-chairman of the Criminal Detective Body Irjen Pol Adiatmoko who also asked him to fabricate a BAP to trap Antasari.

The BAP made by Williardi on April 29-30 was rejected by the investigator because Antasari wasn't implicated. "Just do your best to arrest Mr. Antasari. We guarantee you'd be home by tomorrow. We have the the word of the Chief of National Police that you won't be detained, at worst you'd get an indisciplinary sanction." Williardi quoted the words of Adiatmoko.

Because of the guarantee, Williardi continued, he was willing to sign the BAP forged by the investigator. But, what happened the next day on TV Williardi was accused by the police as one of the murderers of Nasrudin.

He protested to the Criminal Detective Director of the Jakarta Police - Senior Commissioner M. Iriawan who also inspected him. "Where's your promise? Please clarify. I'm not that evil," said Williardi.

Williardi's protest triggered a reaction from his colleague. He was picked up again. Brigadier General Irawan Dahlan came to him and took him to Adiatmoko's office.

Over coffee, he was asked whether he knew Edo, Jerry Hermawan Lo, Antasari Azhar, and Sigid Haryo Wibisono. He was also asked whether he had ever given Rp. 500 millon to Edo from Sigid.

Williardi affirmed to all the questions, without knowing that he was being inspected. On hearing Williardi's confession, Adiatmoko asked his subordinate to detain Williardi at once.

"How come I was arrested for just giving money?" complained Williardi to Adiatmoko. Since then Williardi has been incarcerated. In the trial led by Herri Swantoro, Williardi confessed of being branded 'the traitor' by his colleagues when he protested why he was finally involved in the murder case and detained.

His sharp protest got the cold shoulders from the investigator. "It was a superior's order," he answered when he revealed why he was detained. Curious as to whom he meant by 'superior', Antasari's legal team led by Juniver Girsang asked Williardi whom he meant by superior.

"Speaking of superiors, of course ours is the National Police Chief," he plainly said. Furthermore, the engineering also occured during reconstruction. In a meeting at Sigid's office, the investigator made a scene as if Antasari gave a brown envelope with Nasrudin's photo to Williardi. This was directly denied by Williardi.

"That's not true. We received the envelope directly from Sigid. Without Antasari," explained Williardi. From the start of his testimony, Williardi was daring in revealing what he thought was the truth.

He showed no fear though he was pulling out names of some higher officers. He was also heard several times to have sworn to convince the panel of judges.

Aside from the names above, he also mentioned high officials of the National Police such as Niko Afinta, Tornagogo Sihombing and Daniel. The public prosecutor led by Cirus Sinaga asked for the people mentioned by Williardi to be presented in court.(

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