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Easy Cash Blogging

Make money blogging

In case you didn't know, the days when Webmasters can put up a 10 page web site and watch them sit on the front page of the Search Engines . . . are long gone.
But you've probably noticed the amazing number of blogs that have been grabbing a spot on the front page of Google these days. That's simply because blogs are designed to give the search engines exactly what they want . . . fresh, unique and original content.
However, that's not the only thing that makes blogs so extremely powerful.
Blogs are quickly changing the way we market our web sites because they are DOMINATING the Search Engines with the kind of frequently updated, fresh content that other webmasters love to link to!
You may already know that originally blogs were used as a sort of online diary, mainly because updating them on a daily basis was as easy as point and click. Now that's great if you're Captain Kirk but if you are looking to make serious money online, you may have overlooked blogging as a real option.
And that would be a shame.
If you are serious about making money online but you're looking for the easiest possible way to get started . . . you've just found it.
You can have a profitable site that looks amazing and is a breeze to set up AND update. What's more, your site won't cost you a bean, other than the hosting.
No expensive website software to buy.
No complicated html to learn.
No paying a high priced web designer.
No farming out expensive updates.
YOU can do all of this and you don't need any previous experience. Because I'm going to show you how to quickly and easily set up your cash pulling blog.
Building your site with Wordpress is as easy as 1-2-3!
Wordpress is a blogging platform. It's a kind of advanced software that makes it so easy to build your blog and the best part is . . . it's FREE! It comes as part of your web hosting and once it's set up on your webspace (which is a simple 5 minute job) you can start to getting it looking just how you want.
If you haven't experienced Wordpress yet you are going to LOVE it. Seriously.
There is no easier way to get started online than with a blog. And there is no easier way to set up a blog than Wordpress.
Not only is it unbelievably easy to use, it's FULL of useful gadgets to make profiting from your site so much easier:
An amazing range of free templates to change the look and feel of your site with a few clicks. Make your blog look just how you want and you don't have to spend a cent!
Easy to update. If you can type words on a keyboard, you can update your site.
Hundreds of useful free add-ons called "Plug-ins" available, make it the Swiss Army Knife of site builders. Add pictures, videos and audio, you can even add a box to collect your visitors emails.
Automatically update your site using a special widget. Set it and forget it and save yourself hours of work a day.
A crafty way that allows other people to create the content for your site, without you having to lift a finger
You can use subscriber forms on a blog just like on a website
Promoting your blog is easy and can be done automatically. Blogs are natural search engine magnets and have many aspects of search engine bait built in.
You don't need to know any html or programming to have a great looking blog
And much, much more!
The thing I want you to understand is that it doesn't matter if you haven't built a website before, Wordpress and make it really easy for you. But as your skills grow, it's also very expandable so you can make your site as simple or as complex as you like.
With Easy Cash Blogging you're going to learn how to set up your profitable blog quickly and easily. But I'm going further than that to help ensure you're successful and you can keep your blog growing and fresh in the future.
The most important thing is marketing your blog. And the good news is . . .
I FINALLY Figured out How to EFFECTIVELY Market a Blog!
Are you wondering what "secret" I uncovered? Actually there wasn't a secret or a "magic ingredient." I just started doing the same things all the "big" bloggers do every single day!
And now? Well my blog continually grows on a weekly basis. There are very few weeks when the stats are the same or lower than the week before.
What a difference! I remember a time, and it wasn't too long ago, when I couldn't believe I could run a web site that brought in 500 unique visitors a day and 1,000 or more just seemed completely impossible!
So I went out and read every product I could get my hands on regarding blogging. Once I felt confident I started my first blog.
I blogged for a few months, but didn't get any real traffic and earnt nothing at all from the blog!
That's when I realized that Blogs are COMPLETELY different than your normal "static" Web site.
About a week after using the techniques in Easy Cash Blogging I started noticing regular readers and more RSS subscribers. In fact I started noticing more traffic literally every single day!

Make money online

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